Sony Fans Bounce Back!
As an avid gamer I love to keep up with the latest gaming news and announcements; I also enjoy reading comments left by fellow gamers on articles I read looking for more input and opinions on the pieces I read.
Of course reading the comments section may sometimes lead reading into ‘flame wars’ between fans of each console – but hey sometimes it can be funny! I see myself as a hardcore gamer who leans more towards the PlayStation franchise – due to my PlayStation filled childhood but that didn’t stop me from enjoying games on all mainstream consoles available this generation.
I remember the days when the PS3 was just announced in E3 for $599.00 and most Sony fans hid away from mainstream internet articles due to the embarrassment caused from the E3 2006 conference. Here is a video reminder for nostalgia reasons.
The double standards recently set by Sony fans
Now the situation has changed drastically and Sony have managed to turn the gaming industry back into their favour. Hence why you see Sony fans prowling all over gaming articles especially on N4G with their ‘pro-Sony attitude and anti-everything else!’ but to be fair Sony fans did suffer a lot around 2006 for a couple of years.
Recently I have noticed a lot of hate for the Call of Duty franchise – most of which I believe seems to be coming from Sony fans. Now I am not saying they are the only ones who are very vocal about hating the Call of Duty franchise; but I believe they are most likely the majority. The reason for this I would believe is due to Microsoft and Activision’s business relationship i.e. Timed exclusive DLC packs.
Activision recently announced their latest title Call of Duty: Ghosts; along with this they mentioned that they will be using the same engine as they do in the current generation – of course with upgrades. This obviously gave the Activision naysayers more ammunition to diss the franchise. Now to be fair to them; when Call of Duty: Ghosts was officially revealed at the Xbox One conference it was somewhat claimed that a new ‘next gen’ engine was put in place. So I somewhat understood the hate even though I know as being a developer myself it would take a lot of money and man-power to create a new engine and the game to follow in quick succession.
Also see some of the comments left regarding the Call of Duty engine announcement below:
Then Naughty Dog also announced the fact that they would also be using the same engine as they did in this current gen. This engine brought us games such as the Uncharted series and of course the yet to be released The last of us – (I have played the demo and it is amazing!). Now when I navigated to the comments section; I expected Sony fans to be somewhat unhappy about this (maybe they secretly are – who knows) especially after seeing their reaction to Call of Duty using the same engine. To my surprise I saw Sony fans still adamant how Naughty Dog are their favourite developers and how they would almost trust their own life in Naughty Dog’s hands. See below:
Reactions like these lead me to believe that double standards are being set by Sony fans and honestly it makes you look somewhat looking like ‘blind sheep’ – no offence – but the truth is the truth! If you can’t see it yourself even after reading this article or even doing some research for yourself then you prove my point.
I myself will be keeping an open mind this generation in regards to which console I buy first from the shops on launch day – as both the Xbox One and the PS4 have been announced to launch this year 2013. At the end of the day I would prefer to buy something that will give me more value for money i.e. the console that is more likely to provide me with hours upon hours of enjoyment and I suggest everybody does the same!
So what do you guys think? Have I read too deeply into this situation? Is it already completely obvious or am I just losing my mind! Let us know in the comments section below!